The Annual Varsity Swimming Match is the highlight of the year and is what all training is focused towards, with team selection for both teams happening a few weeks before the event. The Varsity Match takes place during Hilary term as part of the Varsity Games, with the location alternating between Oxford and Cambridge. The Oxford Dolphins vs. Cambridge Marlins Match takes place first and the Blues Match follows.
Two swimmers from Oxford and two from Cambridge compete in 7 individual events and each university puts forward a team to compete in each relay event. Each event alternates between the women’s races and the men’s races. In the Dolphins vs. Marlins match, the distances of each event is halved.
The programme for the Blues Match is:
- 200m Individual Medley
- 100m Backstroke
- 200m Freestyle
- 100m Butterfly
- 400m Freestyle
- 100m Breaststroke
- 100m Freestyle
- 4x100m Medley Relay
- 4x100m Freestyle Relay
The programme for the Dolphins vs Marlins Match is:
- 100m Individual Medley
- 50m Backstroke
- 100m Freestyle
- 50m Butterfly
- 200m Freestyle
- 50m Breaststroke
- 50m Freestyle
- 4x50m Medley Relay
- 4x50m Freestyle Relay
The Dolphins vs. Marlins Match finished with an ‘n’ x 25m relay, which does not contribute to the final result, but allows everyone the opportunity to compete!
4 points are awarded for 1st place finish, through to 1 point for a 4th place finish. Double points are awarded for the relays (7 points for a 1st place finish and 3 points for 2nd). If two swimmers touch at the same time, the points are shared between the two individuals and 0 points are awarded for a disqualification.
Trophies are awarded the each Men’s and Women’s team with the highest number of points, and the Men’s and Women’s points from each university are summated to determine the overall winner.
The Varsity Match rules state that individuals can swim in a maximum of two individuals and one relay or one individual and two relays.