Freshers’ Fair –– Oxford University –– Wednesday 4th October – Thursday 6th October (0th week MT17)
Held every year in the Examinations School in Fresher’ Week. Great time for people interested in trying out for the team to meet current team members, like the captains.
OUSC Team Trials –– Oxford University –– Saturday 8th October (Time 15.00-1700 )(0th week MT17)
Swimming try-outs for the official Oxford University Swimming Club at Rosenblatt Pool. Events involve two 50m swims (one on freestyle, one on another stroke). Also a great chance to meet other people, even if you don’t make the final team.
OUSC Fresher’s Meal –– Oxford University––Wednesday 11th October (Time 19:30 ) (1st week MT17).
The first official meeting of OUSC 2016-17. Attendance is expected. It is followed by the Freshers meal at Vincent’s Club – the first social of the year. Make it count!
Friendly Gala –– Oxford University –– Saturday 21st October (16:30-19:30)(3rd week MT17)
We host a friendly gala during the year against several other Universities, on home turf (Rosenblatt pool). Everyone should make himself or herself available, as we like to enter more than one team. Great fun for all involved. PARTY + PIZZA AFTER.
Cuppers –– Oxford University –– Saturday 25th November (17.00-19.30) (7th week MT17)
Rosenblatt Pool is host to Cuppers, the inter-collegiate swimming competition. Absolutely anyone from the university can be part of the competition, and the more people who attend, the more fun it usually turns out to be!
BUCS Short Course Championship –– Sheffield –– Friday 10th – Sunday 12th November (5th week MT17)
Held on the weekend at the end of 5th week at Sheffield’s Ponds Forge, one of the best and fastest pools in the country. Anyone attending this meet must be prepared to leave on the Friday and return on the Sunday evening.
Training Camp –– Oxford University –– Saturday 2nd December – Saturday 9th December (9th week MT17)
Training after Michaelmas term, important to keep up the Aerobic base and not lose fitness after the hard work in the term
Training Camp –– Torremolinos, Spain –– Tuesday 2nd January – Tuesday 9th January (-1/0 week HT18)
Included are 26-28 hours of water time, up to 4 hours land training and up to 4 hours in the classroom. All Squad swimmers with any ambition of swimming in the Varsity Match must attend this camp. If you don’t think you can afford the trip, but would love to come, speak to the treasurer and the coaches.
BUCS Long Course Championship –– Sheffield –– Friday 16th to 18th February (5th week HT18)
OPTIONAL – Held on the weekend at in Sheffield, 1 weeks before Varsity. Anyone attending this meet must be prepared to leave on the Friday and return on the Sunday evening. Each club is limited to two swimmers per event so if you are entered you’re expected to swim.
Varsity Match –– Oxford University –– Saturday February 24th (6th week HT18)
Held every year alternately at Oxford and Cambridge. The 2018 match will be held in the Rosenblatt pool, Oxford. All swimmers should plan, prepare and be available for this gala.
BUCS Team Championships National Finals –– Sheffield––TBC
Finals held at the Student Games in Sheffield.